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The Waitekohekohe Recreational Reserve is a council owned reserve in the upper hill slope catchments of the Kaimai-Mamaku Forest Park, covering an area of 87.982 hectares and includes an estimated 5 km of the main Waitekohe Stream margins.  From the Waitekohekohe Reserve to the coast is just 5.5 kms.


The idea of linking ecological and archaeological significant areas in a ‘Hills to Ocean’ concept is a goal for this reserve.


The Waitekohekohe name was gifted by Ngai Tamawhariua in reference to the ancestral name for this area and its relation to spiritual waters, a sense of yearning and climbing tree and vines.


Project Parore (local environmental group) are a welcomed partner to this project.  They are already undertaking some pest control on the Lund Road side of the block and will look to extend this across the whole reserve.  With their guidance, we will remove the non-native plants along the stream at the bottom of the reserve and plant replacements with more natives.  This stretch of the Waitekohe Stream is in very good health and the current bordering natives are spectacular.  With the assistance of Project Parore, the aim of the reserve is the enhancement of the biodiversity and habitat of the Waitekohekohe Reserve in particular the riparian and indigenous areas.  A further objective is to enhance the area for endangered bird life that struggles to survive in the area.


Working with our local iwi representatives and archaeologist Brigid Gallagher, we have learnt of the significance of the route joining the Waikato and Bay of Plenty.  There is one known site of significance and two of interest and we are still to complete a full review.  It is our aim to tell the stories of the past with pou and storyboards throughout the reserve.


Equestrian and Mountain Bike Trails have been created along with car parks, toilets and signage.


Created and managed by The Katikati Recreational Park Development Groups (KKRPDG), our major partner is the Western Bay of Plenty District Council which is not only contributing staff expertise but a budget of just under $1m million over five years for the development of this project.


This is a project that will bring great benefits to Katikati in many ways and enjoyment for many locals and visitors.


The Waitekohe Stream runs through the middle of the reserve and offers a thin buffer of indigenous riparian vegetation around the stream margins consists of kamahi, mahoe, heketeria, hangehange, supplejack.  


Further out from the stream edges are taller forest areas consisting of, kamahi, totara, tawa, rimu, toru, putaputawheta, miro, tawhari, hinau, hangehange, toropata, matipo, heketara, porokaiwhiri, mahoe with an understory of wheki, wheki ponga, ponga, punui, heruherue, kiekie, rata vines, bush lawyer, rangiora, colonspernum, aka, ti ngahere.


Much of this native bush area looks untouched by mankind and is simply stunning.


We welcome you to explore the Waitekohekohe Recreational Park by bike, horse or by foot.


Dogs are allowed on the walking tracks provided they are under control.



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